Tuesday 13 September 2011


  • Here are some wisdom keys that will charge up your minds to thinking positively....                     1.SUCCESS is a STATE of mind.                                                                                                         2.If you don't PROGRAM your life,life will program you.                                                                                                           3.If you refuse to allow your spirit/desire to be broken,NO one can ENSLAVE you and your dreams.               4.If there exists no possibility of FAILURE in realizing your dreams,then your victory is meaningless. 5.DON'T tell GOD how BIG your storm is,tell the STORM how BIG your GOD is. 6.Always remember that everyday is a gift that is why it's called THE PRESENT.Utilize everyday as if it's your last. 7.When you feel like giving up,remember you've hold on for TOO LONG. 8.Life is an ECHO,what you say is what you hear. 9.An uncommon seed usually creates an uncommon harvest. 10.Those who SIN with you,eventually SIN against you. 11.Your MENTOR is a clear vision/prophecy of your FUTURE.Choose your mentors wisely. 12.Everyday of Life offers the OPPORTUNITY to succeed,but the LABELS you give them DETERMINES it. 13.NEVER COMPLAIN about what you PERMIT. 14.When you DECIDE what you want,the method for achieving it will emerge. 15.The PROOF of DESIRE is PURSUIT. 16.What you RESPECT,that you will ATTRACT. 17.Your RETROSPECT for TIME is a clear PREDICTION of your FINANCIAL FREEDOM. 18.What you make happen for others,GOD will make happen to you. 19.NOTHING in this world succeeds without a PLAN. 20.You DON'T SLEEP to DREAM of your FUTURE.

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