Wednesday 7 September 2011


Desire may be defined many ways but simply its LONGING or HOPING for something.             IN every living person is a desire for something. Desire is the mechanics that is deposited in every man to drive HIM to accomplish his task in the world.Simply DESIRE is the drive that moves us towards achieving our goals.Therefore whatever you are or you want to be  you definitely need a strong desire to reach there.DESIRE brings to light the GAP between you and your dreams.When you discover this gap it makes it easier for you to achieve your dreams.IT is a fact that when you are pursuing your dreams,you would face challenges.During this challenges, you may motivate yourself but motivation will fail when things become tougher.Its only your DESIRE that can carry you through.DESIRE is like a fuel that in you that moves you around in life during tough times.PALS always desire greatness,work towards it and you will make it.DESIRE to be at the top and it sgal be possible because in the realms of DESIRE there is nothing like IMPOSSIBILITY.          

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